lunes, 16 de mayo de 2011

methodology class 16/05/2011

BOX 5.2 + BOX 5.5

1.- Some techniques are more popular than others. What are they, and can you account for their popularity?

I think that the most popular techniques are translation and synonyms, but I feel that most effective is illustration, especially in younger kids. They can use images, or demonstration in this one, the teacher show to the student by acting if the words are a verb or point something.

2.- Are there techniques that are particularly appropriate for the presentation of certain types of words?

Yes, like I said before demonstration I think is the best option for verbs, and detailed description I can describe objects, people, etc.

3.- Are there techniques which are likely to be more, or less, appropriate for particular learner populations (young/adult, beginner/advances, different background cultures)?

 I think that in younger kids the more appropriate are illustration and demonstration because is more interesting and attractive than a long definition in 2L.  And for students like us, is are more useful synonyms because we can learn more vocabulary, ex. If we know the word funny we can think in other words like happy. And other technique is definition, because we have to get used to the language.

4.- Do you, as an individual, find that you prefer some kinds of techniques and tend to avoid others? Which? and Why?

I think Illustration is the best, because is easier to make understand to the children when they don't dominate the language very well.


lesson plan

lesson plan template Landlady


Supplementary materials

Wiki:  is a website that the visitors can makes changes and add more information or update information using their own web site. (Wikipedia)

Blogs: this supplementary material is used for students to give their opinion about thing that they have learned, they can explain with they own words; this is a contribution to the language learning.

Audio books: An audiobook or audio book is a recording of a text being read. It is not necessarily an exact audio version of a book or magazine. Audio books are, of course, books read aloud and recorded to be listened to on some kind of player

The coursebook assessment


Objectives explicitly laid out in an introduction, And implemented in the material.
Approach educationally a socially acceptable to target community.

Clear attractive layout, print easy to read.

Appropriate visual materials available.

Interesting topics and tasks.

Varied topics and tasks, so as to provide for different Learner levels, learning styles, interests, etc.

Clear instructions.

Systematic coverage of syllabus

Content clearly organized and graded (sequenced by difficulty).

Periodic review and test sections.

Plenty of authentic language.

Good pronunciation explanation and practice.

Good vocabulary explanation and practice.

Good grammar presentation and practice.

Fluency practice in all four skills.

Encourages learners to develop own learning strategies and to become independent in their learning.

Adequate guidance for the teacher; not to heavy preparation load.

Audio cassettes

Readily available locally

The syllabus

the syllabus is a  public document that is a list that is comprehensive and consist in  order the content by month, unit. the syllabus genarally has especific objectives, and is always at the begginin of the document.
Characteristics of a syllabus:
1. Consists of a comprehensive list of content items and process items.
2. Is ordered.
3. Has explicit objectives.
4. Is a public document.
5. May indicate a time schedule.
6. May indicate a preferred methodology or approach.
7. May recommend materials.

The syllabus has different types of languages:
1. Grammatical
2. Lexical
3. Grammatical lexical
4. Situational
5. Topic based
6. Notional
7. Functional notional
8. Mixed or multi strand
9. Procedural.
10. Process.

I think this is the best way to the teacher to be organized and for the student is usefull, because they will know the dates and what is comming next.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011


Test techniques

Question answers   in my opinion is the most effective technique because just like the text said you can test almost anything, beside that when the questions are open the students can reflect and connect and associate his ideas  for a good answers.
            I think the less effective technique is dictation, because it only focus in listen and written skills, but not in the comprehension part, that is very important for a second language it’s also very mechanic technique is about all about memorization of words but maybe not the understanding meaning of the word, this technique is behaviorism because is just repetition.

class 4/04/2011

What is the difference?
The first stage is the attention; in this stage we need the focus of them in the teacher. For this we could clap our hands and show them a picture (to capture their attention) and said now we are going to play a game. (I have to say this without losing eye contact with the students).
The second stage is perception; we already have the focus of the students we start give them the instruction of the game.  For this game you have to work in pairs… is there any volunteer to do it with me. (This is for attention of the students).
Every student has a different picture but very similar and you have to look all the details and describe his picture to his classmate, and make questions just like a feedback. (I can see if there is perception of the students if they are taken notes)
The last stage understanding; in this stage I have to make sure that the student understands the instructions I ask them… is there is any doubt? But if they don’t convinced me I can ask to a pair of students to explain it to the class with they own words (with this I can make sure that they understand, if they can make a connection with something that they know.

**this activity is for student around 12 o 13 years. Because at that age they can have an appropriate vocabulary and if we work whit older students they probably don’t like to play a game.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

methodology class 28/03/2011

BOX 19.1

1) What characteristics and behaviors you associate with the image of a motivated learner?

 I think that a motivated person is who has setting goals and work hard to make it possible; it also should be a responsible and persistent person. They have a positive attitude, because if they have a pessimistic attitude probably they won’t be able to get their goals, because they will fell like a failed person.

2) How important do you think motivation is for success in language learning, compared to, for example, language aptitude?

I think motivation is more important than aptitude for success in language learning, sometime a person has aptitudes for learn other language, but if they don’t have any motivation to try to learn a second language the aptitude is useless, I can do my best as a teacher but  if the students don’t want to learn I can’t do anything.
 Have aptitude or skill to learn other language is also important, because is less complicate to understand the second language, but the motivation is the key to have a goal like being a teacher or an interpreter to want to learn new language.


BOX 20.2 analysis of result

Survey of student’s opinion whit analysis
 The number of people was 10, and most popular choice was number 2, 4 and 11. I think this result is because students are interested in that the teacher does the class, especially us that we are going to be a teacher. Also the environment should be of respect to the teacher and also to the students, other factor is “have fun” in my opinion students enjoy an entertained class.
The least popular choice was 16, I’m not surprise for this choice, and I think a teacher must never use a corporal punishment, not even psychological punishment against the students.
I know that is difficult to make classes to 40 or more students, and probably this is the reason for some lessons are boring; in that case I understand teachers but I think this problem can be solved
I’m not agree with number 1, especially when around 4 people were “very agree” whit this statement, I don’t think that the way that a teacher dress Is very important, of course I think is important, but not that important

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

methodology class 24/03/2011

Personality test
 Agree        Disagree       Totally disagree

1.      I feel comfortable with myself  

2. 2  I like to encourage other people 

3.      It hard for me to approaches to other people

4.     I enjoy mu privacy  

5.      I read a lot   

6.      I go to parties or events with many people 

7.     I work in groups

8.     I like try new things

9.     I don’t like speak loudly

10.  I always feel sad   

11.   I like being myself 

12.   I know how to console other people

13.    I care for other people

14.   I am nervous all the time

15.    I feel nervous before a test

1-10-11 self esteem, 2-5-7-8 motivation, 3-12-13 empathy, 4-6-9 introvert/extrovert, 14-15 anxiety 

methodology class 22/03/2011

This is  my result of  the personality test by Myers

I’m agree, even that I don’t believe in psychological test like this one.  I think it must be a deeper analysis. But this test is very close to my personality especially in the introverted part, is a problem if I want to become a teacher, but I’m trying to change that.

methodology class23/03/2011

Personality factors in second languge acquisition.

There are two sides, a cognitive side, and the other is affective side that refers to emotions or feelings, these feelings could be about us or other.
According to Bloom there are 5 levels of the affective domain in the S.L.A.  The first one is RECIVING. A person must be aware of the environment and willing to receive a stimulus. The second level is RESPONDING, you must respond according to the stimulus, the next step to this process is VALUING in this part you value according your relives, the fourth lever is the ORGANIZATION OF VALUES. Last level is the VALUE OF SYSTEM; this is the step when you have a word view you can choice what is wrong or right.
In this chapter also said about self esteem, is the way that we value ourselves this could be approval or disapproval judgment of us.
There is also inhibition, this means that we built defense to protect our egos. This protection starts in childhood and continues into adulthood.
Another factor is risk taking for a S.L.A is very important to take a risk, if you don’t take a risk you don’t try o practice. Learners who have a higher self esteem are more willing to take a risk.
Anxiety is the problem to control our emotions. There are two levels of anxiety. One is trail anxiety that is permanent is kind of a problem for the student, because they are anxious all the time and for many things. The other type is state anxiety; this type of anxiety is on specific situations for example, in a test, a presentation. This type of anxiety doesn’t mean that is part or our personality.
Empathy is understand the point of view of other person. This factor is important to communication, because you need to understand the other person’s affective and cognate state.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011


This is what I learn about the chapter "second Languge Acquisiton / Learning" of " The study of languge"  by George Yule.

methodology: Is a set of methods, strategies, and processes to do activities with students according to the curriculum. this is my  definition it is a general definition.
A teacher desings a method that goes according  to the curriculum of a school or institution that he or she works for. this methodology has to be according to of the sociocultural setting, also for the type of student that we have in the classroom.
 For a S.L.A there is a “Natural Acquisition “that is unconscious, and the other way is the “Conscious Learning” that is artificial and conscious, it`s just like we are doing at the university, for learning we use books, we need a teacher, etc.  also  for S.L.A  there are barriers or different factors  that make learning a second language, like affective factors this goes according to age, when we are younger we are more willing to learn, but sometimes when we are older  we feel more embarrassed to speak in front of other people. Another barrier is that we do not have everyday communicative requirements in a foreign language; we just communicate our first language.  Other barrier is other things going on, I remember when I was on highschool learning a second language it was not very important.

About the methods I think that “grammar translation” and “audiolingual” are the most used and I  also think they  are more effective. Teachers  still use repetition to make a habit and grammar rules are very important, it may be behaviorism but I think it works.