jueves, 31 de marzo de 2011

methodology class 28/03/2011

BOX 19.1

1) What characteristics and behaviors you associate with the image of a motivated learner?

 I think that a motivated person is who has setting goals and work hard to make it possible; it also should be a responsible and persistent person. They have a positive attitude, because if they have a pessimistic attitude probably they won’t be able to get their goals, because they will fell like a failed person.

2) How important do you think motivation is for success in language learning, compared to, for example, language aptitude?

I think motivation is more important than aptitude for success in language learning, sometime a person has aptitudes for learn other language, but if they don’t have any motivation to try to learn a second language the aptitude is useless, I can do my best as a teacher but  if the students don’t want to learn I can’t do anything.
 Have aptitude or skill to learn other language is also important, because is less complicate to understand the second language, but the motivation is the key to have a goal like being a teacher or an interpreter to want to learn new language.


BOX 20.2 analysis of result

Survey of student’s opinion whit analysis
 The number of people was 10, and most popular choice was number 2, 4 and 11. I think this result is because students are interested in that the teacher does the class, especially us that we are going to be a teacher. Also the environment should be of respect to the teacher and also to the students, other factor is “have fun” in my opinion students enjoy an entertained class.
The least popular choice was 16, I’m not surprise for this choice, and I think a teacher must never use a corporal punishment, not even psychological punishment against the students.
I know that is difficult to make classes to 40 or more students, and probably this is the reason for some lessons are boring; in that case I understand teachers but I think this problem can be solved
I’m not agree with number 1, especially when around 4 people were “very agree” whit this statement, I don’t think that the way that a teacher dress Is very important, of course I think is important, but not that important

1 comentario:

  1. Good Job, Katherine. Don't forget to edit your grammar and spelling. Your mark is a 65
